Image Search Engines (Mesin Pencari Gambar)
A search engine for free photos come from many sources and are license-specific. You can view a photo’s license by clicking on the license icon, below and left of photos.

- is a stock photo search portal for the creative community. You can quickly browse the way you think – visually – through millions of stock images.

Ginipic takes image search to a whole new level. Now you can search image search engines, photo sharing websites or your own local picture collections simultaneously.

GazoPa is a next generation similar image search engine in private beta. Users can search images from the web based on user’s own photo, drawings, images found on the web and keywords.

- is the largest collection of free photographs on the Internet. features exclusive images found nowhere else on the web with new pictures being added every week.

Browse and download 2,000 (3.4 GB) free stock images from 10 categories (view all thumbnails below). Stock images are in the public domain.

Feelimage is not only key words search. It is also equipped phrase search, that is images search engine ‘FeelPhrase®‘.
It’s corresponding 127 colors, and has a technology that quantifies colors like ‘red’ ‘ blue’ in images.

oSkope is a visual search assistant that lets you browse and organize items from Amazon, Ebay, Flickr, Fotolia, Yahoo!Image Search and YouTube in an intuitive way.

Incogna process the shape in every image and use this to build a large scale searchable visual index.

Imagery search executes an keyword search and rollover results to get photo dimensions and options to open the source page or the image itself.

The ImageBase is a searchable image and text database of objects from the collections of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.

An image search engine which lets you go deeper into the mechanism of image search and lets you find more relevant images using the image results it displays the first time you search.

Search the web for images. An image search service with more than 3,000,000,000 pictures.

Picitup is a leading web 3.0 developer and provider of content based image search services.

PicFog provides a real time image search.

PicFindr is a rich internet application (RIA) that helps you search several stock image and photo community sites simultaneously.

Pixsy powers video and image search experiences for some of the Internet’s leading brands including Pearson, Lycos, National Lampoon, Cooliris, BuddyTV, Infospace, and many others.

Search for images from biomedical articles. Currently over 1 Million images have been indexed. BioMed Seach indexes image captions along with the citations to these images.

An image search engine on Bing.

A Flickr image search tool.

Tiltomo, where you can play with our Visual Search code using two sample databases from flickr.

Altavista image search tool.

The source for quality, high-res FREE stock photos and images.

Image search engine on Yahoo!

A very powerful image search engine provided by Google.

Enter a name and search for faces!

With the Multicolr Search Lab, you can browse through 10 million of Flickr’s most ‘interesting’ Creative Commons images, and find ones that share the same colours.

A real time image search.

- is a repository for public domain photos.

Stock.XCHNG lets you browse through the categories of our huge gallery containing over 350.000 quality stock photos by more than 30.000 photographers!

Icon Search Engines
Challenger IconDB (Icon Database) is a database that contains icons of various sizes and keywords attached to them.

- is a place where to find your icons and offers a pretty handy interface for searching and downloading icon files.

The Icons-Search is an Icon Search Engine that helps you to find quality icons available on the Internet. You can find icons for Windows Vista and XP, Macintosh, Linux, icons for Desktop, Software, Website, Mobile, Presentation, in sizes from 16×16 to 256×256 in PNG format and sizes from 16×16 to 128×128 in ICO format.

Iconlet is simple search engine for free icons, images. For every image user get information about author, image resolution, graphics format and license type.

Iconfinder provides high quality icons for webdesigners and developers in an easy and efficient way.

The is an icon search engine on web, it contents about 50,000+ high quaility icons and each icon has PNG, ICO and ICNS formats for Windows, Macintosh and Linux Systems.


EasyIconFinder is a new Icon Search Engine that helps you find quality icons now available simple by filling in a keyword !

Free Icons Web is where you can browse and download Over 15,000 high quality Free Icons for Windows, Macintosh and Linux Systems.

The is a icon search engine, it contents over 20000 high quaility web icons in more than 1000 icon packs. Each Icon has serval file formats such as PNG, ICO, you can free browse and download for Windows, Macintosh and Linux Systems.

Search and download free icons in PNG format. Arranged by categories, that include animals, food and phones.

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